Monday, July 27, 2020

Open Educational Resources (OER) - an Initiative by SFIT LIRC

OER (Open Educational Resources) is an Initiative by the Library Team of St. Francis Institute of Technology to help staff and students in accessing resources which are available in public domain.
It is an attempt to compile the following:
Open Access Books
Open Access Journals
Open Access Repositories
Open Access Theses and Dissertations


FOSSEE (Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Education) project promotes the use of FLOSS tools in academia and research. The FOSSEE project is part of the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. Below is the list of projects which are promoted by FOSSEE.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Don't have time to read? Try this...

8 Ways to Read the Books You Wish You Had Time For

Read the entire article here:

Virtual Labs from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeth for Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Wind energy Labs
Wind is a form of renewable energy which is cheaply available. Wind energy is also a good source of clean and green electricity. The Wind Energy lab imparts with the users an approach to study about the wind characteristics and wind energy harnessing.

Anemometer || Wind Modelling Analysis || Wind Tunnel - Pressure || Wind Tunnel- Force || Wind Tunnel - Angle || Wind Tunnel -Pitot || Dynamometer || Wind Turbine -Power production in Wind Turbine || Wind Turbine - Cp Vs λ
Solar energy Labs
Sun is the primary source of energy on the earth. Solar energy is abundant and is directly available and can be harnessed in many ways.This Solar Energy lab equips with the user a chance to study the radiation characteristics of the sun and various methods of solar energy harnessing.

Solar Energy Measurements - Pyrheliometer || Solar Energy Measurements - Pyranometer || Solar Energy Measurements || Solar PV Tracker || External Compound Parabolic Collector(XCPC) - Oil || External Compound Parabolic Collector (XCPC) - Water || Parabolic Trough - Angle || Parabolic Trough -Flow Rate
Mechanics of Solids Labs
Mechanics is the branch of science which deals with the description or prediction of the bodies at rest or motion.Mechanics of Solids is the study of bodies at rest. In this lab a user gets to know various mechanical characteristics of solid bodies.

Beam Theory I || Beam Theory II || Young's modulus on UTM || Poisson's ratio on UTM || Saint Venant Principle || Stress Distribution around a circular hole || Stress Concentration around a Notch using UTM || Creep Test
Energy Storage Labs
Storage of energy is equally important as the harnessing of the energy. In conventional usage systems , a lot of energy is wasted in various forms. Tapping to that energy can be a great advantage. In this Energy Storage lab a user gets to know about some of the latest, state of the art approaches for the storage of the energy in its various forms.

Virtual Labs from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeth for Computer Science

Computer Science

Wireless Sensor Network Remote Triggered Lab (Wireless Remote Sensing, Experimentation, Monitoring and Administration Lab)
Wireless Sensor Network is the study of wireless sensors that are distributed in a wide area for sensing the environmental parameters. Wireless Sensor Network Remote Triggered Lab is an experimental wireless sensor network deployed partly indoor and partly outdoor. This lab is envisioned to provide a practical experience of designing, deploying and implementing wireless sensor networks in both indoor and outdoor conditions.

Introduction to WSN || nesC Programming || Send and Receive || Range & Connectivity vs. Antenna Power || Duty Cycle vs. Power Consumption || Sensor Data Acquisition || Data Collection Frequency and Tx. vs. Power Consumption || Wireless Propagation || Wireless Sensor Network || Wireless Sensor Network Data Acquisition, Transmission, and Aggregation || Clustering Algorithms || Time Synchronization

Virtual Labs from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeth for Physical Sciences

Physical Sciences

Electricity & Magnetism Virtual Lab
We depend on electricity every minute of every day. It seems a mysterious and even a magical force. Magnetism's ability to serve mankind especially lies in its relationship to electricity. That means, magnetism and electricity are so closely related to each other. The concept of this can be applied in many technologies for an effective productivity.

Tangent Galvanometer || Magnetic Field Along The Axis of A Circular Coil Carrying Current || Deflection Magnetometer || Van De Graaff Generator || Barkhausen Effect || Temperature Coefficient of Resistance || Anderson's Bridge || Quincke's Method
Heat & Thermodynamics Virtual Lab
Thermodynamics is the study of the conversion of energy into work and heat and its relation to macroscopic variables such as temperature,volume and pressure.

Heat Transfer by Radiation || Heat transfer by Conduction || Heat Transfer by Natural Convection || The Study of Phase Change || Black Body Radiation: Determination of Stefan's Constant || Newton's Law of Cooling || Lee's Disc Apparatus || Thermo Couple-Seebeck Effect
Harmonic Motion and Waves Virtual Lab
Harmonic Motion and Wave lab is the interdisciplinary science that deals with the study of sound, ultrasound and infrasound (all mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids). The study of this lab revolves around the generation, propagation and reception of mechanical waves and vibrations.

Astable multivibrator || Melde's String Apparatus || Kundt's Tube Apparatus || Ultrasonic Interferometer || Doppler Effect || A.C Sonometer || Colpitts Oscillator || Hartley Oscillator
Modern Physics Virtual Lab
Modern physics refers to the post-Newtonian conception of physics developed in the first half of the 1900's. These concepts embody the study of tiny (subatomic) particles or lightening fast speeds. They find applications in technologies such as atomic energy or semiconductors.

Franck-Hertz Experiment || Soldering (Remote Trigger) || Solar Panel Experiment (Remote Trigger) || Photoelectric effect || Determination of Planck's Constant || Abbe's Refractometer || Emission spectra || Millikan's oil drop experiment || Magnetic Material Characterization via Hystersis (Remote Trigger)
Laser Optics Virtual Lab
This lab is thoroughly outfitted for experiments in introductory and advanced laser physics. It explains the study of optical properties for different material by adopting laser devices and handling basic aspects of interferometry.

Michelson's Interferometer- Refractive index of glass plate || Newton's Rings-Refractive index of liquid || Michelson's Interferometer- Wavelength of laser beam || Laser beam divergence and spot size || Newton's Rings-Wavelength of light || Brewsters Angle determination || Numerical Aperture of Optical Fiber
Mechanics Virtual Lab (Pilot)
It concerns with the dynamics of mechanical systems mainly rotational dynamics. It also gives the dynamics of special type of non-linear systems.

Torque and angular acceleration of a fly wheel || Torsional oscillations in different liquids || Moment of Inertia of Flywheel || Newton's Second Law of Motion || Ballistic Pendulum || Collision balls || Projectile Motion || Elastic and Inelastic Collision
Electric Circuits Virtual Lab (Pilot)
An electric circuit is composed of individual electrical components such as resistors, inductors, capacitors etc to trace the current that flows through it. The combination of electrical components can perform various simple and compound electrical operations.

Parallel RC Circuits || Parallel LC Circuits || Thevenin’s Theorem || Series RL Circuits || Norton's theorem || Series LCR Circuits || Kirchhoff’s Laws || Series RC Circuits || Series LC Circuits || Parallel LCR Circuits || Parallel RL Circuits
Advanced Mechanics Virtual Lab
The laboratory is concerned with the issues of advanced dynamics in mechanical systems dealing with describing motions, as well as the causes of motion.

Rigidity Modulus of The Suspension Wire of A Torsion Pendulum || Young's Modulus-NonUniform Bending || Compound Pendulum- Symmetric || Kater's pendulum || Young's Modulus-Uniform Bending || Moment of inertia of a Torsion Pendulum || Rigidity Modulus -Static Torsion
Optics Virtual Lab
Optics is the study of the behavior and properties of light, including its interactions with matter and the construction of instruments that use or detect it. Optics usually describes the behavior of visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light. Because light is an electromagnetic wave, other forms of electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays, microwaves, and radio waves exhibit similar properties.

Resolving power of a prism || Angle of the prism using Spectrometer || Spectrometer i-i' curve || Spectrometer: i-d curve || Spectrometer- Determination of Cauchy's constants || Spectrometer, Refractive Index of the material of a prism || Spectrometer,Dispersive power of a prism || Diffraction Grating
Solid State Physics Virtual Lab
Solid-state physics is a study of rigid matter or solids. This part Includes theoretical description of crystal and electronic structure, lattice dynamics, and optical properties of different materials.

Characteristics of Zener diode || Characteristics of Thermistor || Resistivity by Four Probe Method || B-H Curve || Hall effect experiment:- Determination of charge carrier density || Cornus Experiment || Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator || Crystal Structure

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