Showing posts with label Virtual Labs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virtual Labs. Show all posts

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Virtual Labs from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeth for Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Wind energy Labs
Wind is a form of renewable energy which is cheaply available. Wind energy is also a good source of clean and green electricity. The Wind Energy lab imparts with the users an approach to study about the wind characteristics and wind energy harnessing.

Anemometer || Wind Modelling Analysis || Wind Tunnel - Pressure || Wind Tunnel- Force || Wind Tunnel - Angle || Wind Tunnel -Pitot || Dynamometer || Wind Turbine -Power production in Wind Turbine || Wind Turbine - Cp Vs λ
Solar energy Labs
Sun is the primary source of energy on the earth. Solar energy is abundant and is directly available and can be harnessed in many ways.This Solar Energy lab equips with the user a chance to study the radiation characteristics of the sun and various methods of solar energy harnessing.

Solar Energy Measurements - Pyrheliometer || Solar Energy Measurements - Pyranometer || Solar Energy Measurements || Solar PV Tracker || External Compound Parabolic Collector(XCPC) - Oil || External Compound Parabolic Collector (XCPC) - Water || Parabolic Trough - Angle || Parabolic Trough -Flow Rate
Mechanics of Solids Labs
Mechanics is the branch of science which deals with the description or prediction of the bodies at rest or motion.Mechanics of Solids is the study of bodies at rest. In this lab a user gets to know various mechanical characteristics of solid bodies.

Beam Theory I || Beam Theory II || Young's modulus on UTM || Poisson's ratio on UTM || Saint Venant Principle || Stress Distribution around a circular hole || Stress Concentration around a Notch using UTM || Creep Test
Energy Storage Labs
Storage of energy is equally important as the harnessing of the energy. In conventional usage systems , a lot of energy is wasted in various forms. Tapping to that energy can be a great advantage. In this Energy Storage lab a user gets to know about some of the latest, state of the art approaches for the storage of the energy in its various forms.

Virtual Labs from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeth for Computer Science

Computer Science

Wireless Sensor Network Remote Triggered Lab (Wireless Remote Sensing, Experimentation, Monitoring and Administration Lab)
Wireless Sensor Network is the study of wireless sensors that are distributed in a wide area for sensing the environmental parameters. Wireless Sensor Network Remote Triggered Lab is an experimental wireless sensor network deployed partly indoor and partly outdoor. This lab is envisioned to provide a practical experience of designing, deploying and implementing wireless sensor networks in both indoor and outdoor conditions.

Introduction to WSN || nesC Programming || Send and Receive || Range & Connectivity vs. Antenna Power || Duty Cycle vs. Power Consumption || Sensor Data Acquisition || Data Collection Frequency and Tx. vs. Power Consumption || Wireless Propagation || Wireless Sensor Network || Wireless Sensor Network Data Acquisition, Transmission, and Aggregation || Clustering Algorithms || Time Synchronization

Virtual Labs from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeth for Physical Sciences

Physical Sciences

Electricity & Magnetism Virtual Lab
We depend on electricity every minute of every day. It seems a mysterious and even a magical force. Magnetism's ability to serve mankind especially lies in its relationship to electricity. That means, magnetism and electricity are so closely related to each other. The concept of this can be applied in many technologies for an effective productivity.

Tangent Galvanometer || Magnetic Field Along The Axis of A Circular Coil Carrying Current || Deflection Magnetometer || Van De Graaff Generator || Barkhausen Effect || Temperature Coefficient of Resistance || Anderson's Bridge || Quincke's Method
Heat & Thermodynamics Virtual Lab
Thermodynamics is the study of the conversion of energy into work and heat and its relation to macroscopic variables such as temperature,volume and pressure.

Heat Transfer by Radiation || Heat transfer by Conduction || Heat Transfer by Natural Convection || The Study of Phase Change || Black Body Radiation: Determination of Stefan's Constant || Newton's Law of Cooling || Lee's Disc Apparatus || Thermo Couple-Seebeck Effect
Harmonic Motion and Waves Virtual Lab
Harmonic Motion and Wave lab is the interdisciplinary science that deals with the study of sound, ultrasound and infrasound (all mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids). The study of this lab revolves around the generation, propagation and reception of mechanical waves and vibrations.

Astable multivibrator || Melde's String Apparatus || Kundt's Tube Apparatus || Ultrasonic Interferometer || Doppler Effect || A.C Sonometer || Colpitts Oscillator || Hartley Oscillator
Modern Physics Virtual Lab
Modern physics refers to the post-Newtonian conception of physics developed in the first half of the 1900's. These concepts embody the study of tiny (subatomic) particles or lightening fast speeds. They find applications in technologies such as atomic energy or semiconductors.

Franck-Hertz Experiment || Soldering (Remote Trigger) || Solar Panel Experiment (Remote Trigger) || Photoelectric effect || Determination of Planck's Constant || Abbe's Refractometer || Emission spectra || Millikan's oil drop experiment || Magnetic Material Characterization via Hystersis (Remote Trigger)
Laser Optics Virtual Lab
This lab is thoroughly outfitted for experiments in introductory and advanced laser physics. It explains the study of optical properties for different material by adopting laser devices and handling basic aspects of interferometry.

Michelson's Interferometer- Refractive index of glass plate || Newton's Rings-Refractive index of liquid || Michelson's Interferometer- Wavelength of laser beam || Laser beam divergence and spot size || Newton's Rings-Wavelength of light || Brewsters Angle determination || Numerical Aperture of Optical Fiber
Mechanics Virtual Lab (Pilot)
It concerns with the dynamics of mechanical systems mainly rotational dynamics. It also gives the dynamics of special type of non-linear systems.

Torque and angular acceleration of a fly wheel || Torsional oscillations in different liquids || Moment of Inertia of Flywheel || Newton's Second Law of Motion || Ballistic Pendulum || Collision balls || Projectile Motion || Elastic and Inelastic Collision
Electric Circuits Virtual Lab (Pilot)
An electric circuit is composed of individual electrical components such as resistors, inductors, capacitors etc to trace the current that flows through it. The combination of electrical components can perform various simple and compound electrical operations.

Parallel RC Circuits || Parallel LC Circuits || Thevenin’s Theorem || Series RL Circuits || Norton's theorem || Series LCR Circuits || Kirchhoff’s Laws || Series RC Circuits || Series LC Circuits || Parallel LCR Circuits || Parallel RL Circuits
Advanced Mechanics Virtual Lab
The laboratory is concerned with the issues of advanced dynamics in mechanical systems dealing with describing motions, as well as the causes of motion.

Rigidity Modulus of The Suspension Wire of A Torsion Pendulum || Young's Modulus-NonUniform Bending || Compound Pendulum- Symmetric || Kater's pendulum || Young's Modulus-Uniform Bending || Moment of inertia of a Torsion Pendulum || Rigidity Modulus -Static Torsion
Optics Virtual Lab
Optics is the study of the behavior and properties of light, including its interactions with matter and the construction of instruments that use or detect it. Optics usually describes the behavior of visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light. Because light is an electromagnetic wave, other forms of electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays, microwaves, and radio waves exhibit similar properties.

Resolving power of a prism || Angle of the prism using Spectrometer || Spectrometer i-i' curve || Spectrometer: i-d curve || Spectrometer- Determination of Cauchy's constants || Spectrometer, Refractive Index of the material of a prism || Spectrometer,Dispersive power of a prism || Diffraction Grating
Solid State Physics Virtual Lab
Solid-state physics is a study of rigid matter or solids. This part Includes theoretical description of crystal and electronic structure, lattice dynamics, and optical properties of different materials.

Characteristics of Zener diode || Characteristics of Thermistor || Resistivity by Four Probe Method || B-H Curve || Hall effect experiment:- Determination of charge carrier density || Cornus Experiment || Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator || Crystal Structure

Virtual Labs from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeth for Chemical Sciences

Chemical Sciences

Physical Chemistry Virtual Lab
Physical chemistry (also called physicochemistry) is the explanation of macroscopic, microscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of physical concepts; sometimes using the principles, practices and concepts of physics like thermodynamics, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics and dynamics.

Spectrophotometry || Cryoscopy || Ebullioscopy || EMF measurement || Determination of Viscosity of Organic Solvents || Adsorption Isotherm || Verification of Tafel Equation || Determination of Viscosity Average Molecular Weight of Polymer || Calorimetry -Water equivalent Calorimetry || Calorimetry -Heat of Neutralization
Organic Chemistry Virtual Lab
Organic chemistry is a discipline within chemistry which involves the scientific study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation (by synthesis or by other means) of chemical compounds that contain carbon.

Detection of Functional Groups || Detection of Elements: Lassaigne’s Test || Separation of Compounds Using Column Chromatography || Purification by Fractional distillation/crystallisation || Purification by Steam distillation/crystallisation || Laser Flash Photometer || Organic Preparations - Allylation of Isatin || Estimation of Aspirin || Estimation Of Glucose || Calculation of λmax of Organic Compounds Using Woodward Fieser Rules
Inorganic Chemistry Virtual Lab
Inorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry concerned with the properties and behavior of inorganic compounds. This field covers all chemical compounds except the myriad organic compounds (carbon based compounds, usually containing C-H bonds).

Water analysis-Determination of Physical parameters || Water analysis-Determination of Chemical parameters || Acid Base Titration || Gravimetric Estimation of Barium || Gravimetric Estimation of Nickel || Crystal Field Theory || Group Theory || Alloy Analysis (Brass) || Soil Analysis-Determination of Specific conductivity of Soil || Soil Analysis-Determination of pH of Soil
Advanced Analytical Chemistry Virtual Lab
Analytical chemistry is the branch of chemistry concerned with studying the properties of materials and development of tools used to analyze materials. It is the science of sampling, defining, isolating , concentrating and preserving samples.

Soil Analysis-Determination of Available Organic Carbon content in the Soil || Soil Analysis-Determination of Available Nitrogen content in the Soil by Kjeldahl method || Soil Analysis-Determination of Available Phosphorus content in the Soil by Bray's method || Electrogravimetric Estimation of Metals || Estimation of Phosphate Content in Soft Drinks || Flame Photometry || Polarography - Determination of Unknown Concentration of Cadmium || Polarography - Determination of Unknown Concentration of Vitamin C

Virtual Labs from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeth for Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering

Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering

Biosignal Processing and Analysis
This lab focuses on using, analysing and processing EEG data and provides a platform for EEG data analysis and visualization, to understand the correlations of neural activity through electroencephalography data. The lab is an education platform for engineers and biologists without major requirements for learning methods in signal processing.

Bioinformatics and Data Science in Biotechnology
This lab is a connection of bioinformatics experiments performed using R programming. Educating this will allow users to learn how to use R as an open source language for learning bioinformatics data processing. Specifically, this lab will help analyse biological sequence data using simple R code snippets.

Writing and Reading Sequence Data in R || Pairwise sequence alignment of Protein or DNA sequences || Guanine-Cytosine Content Analysis and Basics of DNA Sequence Statistics
Neurophysiology Virtual Lab (pilot)
Neurophysiology is the study of nervous system function. Primarily, it is connected with neurobiology, psychology, neurology, clinical neurophysiology, electrophysiology, biophysical neurophysiology, ethology, neuroanatomy, cognitive science and other brain sciences.

Brain Slice Preparation || Simple Neuron Model - the HH neuron || Patch Clamp Technique || Current Clamp Technique || Voltage Clamp Technique || Study of Synaptic Transmission (Remote trigger) || Measuring Field Potentials Using MEA chips || Understanding the Passive Properties of a Simple Neuron (Remote trigger) || Effects of Ion Channels in Membrane Biophysics (Remote trigger) || Effect of Noise on Spiking Neurons (Remote trigger)
Neuron Simulation Virtual Lab (pilot)
This lab uses a graphical web-based Neuron simulator and models a section of excitable neuronal membrane using the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. Various experiments will deal with the several parameters of Hodgkin-Huxley equations and will model resting and action potentials, voltage and current clamp, pharmacological effects of drugs that block specific channels etc. This lab complements some of the exercises in the Virtual Neurophysiology lab.

Modeling resting potentials in Neurons || Modeling action potentials || Modeling the delayed rectifier Potassium channels || Modeling the sodium ion channel and its effects on neural signaling || Current Clamp protocol || Voltage Clamp Protocol || Understanding Frequency-Current relationship || Understanding first spike latency - current relationship || Voltage-Current (VI) plot || Effects of pharmacological blockers on action potential
Biochemistry Virtual Lab I
Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes in living organisms. It deals with the structures and functions of cellular components such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and other biomolecules. The experiments included in Biochemistry Virtual Lab I are fundamental in nature, dealing with the identification and classification of various carbohydrates, acid-base titrations of amino acids, isolation of proteins from their natural sources, etc.

Qualitative Analysis of Carbohydrates || Isoelectric Precipitation of Proteins: Casein from Milk || Quantitative Estimation of Amino Acids by Ninhydrin || Separation of Amino Acids by Thin Layer Chromatography || Estimation of Saponification Value of Fats/Oils. || Detection of Adulteration in Milk || Qualitative Analysis of Amino Acid || Estimation of Iodine Value of Fats and Oils || Titration Curves of Aminoacids || Estimation of blood glucose by Glucose oxidase method
Biochemistry Virtual Lab II
Biochemistry Virtual Lab II deals with topics like enzymology, purification of plant pigments and natural products as well as estimation of iodine value and saponification value of fats and oils.

Isolation of β -Amylase from Sweet Potato || Gelatin Zymography || Extraction of Caffeine from Tea || Construction of Maltose Standard Curve by DNS Method || Isolation of Plant Pigments by Column Chromatography || Structural Studies of Phycobiliproteins from Spirulina || Construction of Protein Standard Curve using Folin’s Lowry Method || Effect of Substrate Concentration on Enzyme Kinetics || Effect of temperature on enzyme kinetics || Hydrolysis of Ester using orange peel esterase
Population ecology Virtual Lab I
A population is a collection of individuals of the same species that live together in a region. Population ecology is the study of populations (especially population abundance) and how they change over time. Crucial to this study are the various interactions between a population and its resources. Studies on simple models of interacting species is the main focus this simulation oriented lab. Lab I focuses on introduction of principles of population ecology for UG/PG students.

Population with Continuous and Discrete Growth || Spread of a Pest Population - Population Invasion || Age Structured Leslie Matrix || Stage Structured Leslie Matrix || Metapopulation Dynamics -Levins Model || Interspecific Competition and Coexistence || Effect of Interspecific Competition on Species Border || Logistic Population Growth: Continuous and Discrete || Parasitoid-Host Dynamics || Conserving an Endangered Species
Population ecology Virtual Lab II
Population ecology is the study of populations (especially population abundance) and how they change over time. Studies based on models of predation, competition as seen in interacting species is the main focus this simulation oriented lab. Lab II focuses on applied principles of population ecology for PG students.

Predator - Prey Dynamics - Rats and Snakes (Lotka Volterra Simulation) || Effect of Predator Efficiency on Equilibrium Densities & Pop. Stability || Effect of Social Behavior Amongst Predator-Prey Populations || Effects of Carrying Capacity and Satiation in Predator-Prey Dynamics || Harvesting a Prey Population || Optimal Foraging with Minimal Time: A Case of Searching Predators || Optimal Foraging : Searching Predators that Maximize Energy || Optimal Pollinators || Optimal Foraging: Sit-and-wait Predators that Maximize Energy || Microparasite and Macroparasite - Host Dynamics
Immunology Virtual Lab I
The branch of biomedicine concerned with the structure and function of the immune system, innate and acquired immunity, the bodily distinction of self from no self, and laboratory techniques involving the interaction of antigens with specific antibodies.

Collection of Serum from Blood || Blood Grouping Experiment || Latex Agglutination || INDIRECT Elisa || DIRECT Elisa || SANDWICH Elisa || ELISPOT Assay || Antibody Labeling with HRP || Extraction of IgG Antibodies from Immunized Hen Egg || Isolation of lymphocytes from whole blood
Immunology Virtual Lab II
The branch of biomedicine concerned with the structure and function of the immune system, innate and acquired immunity, the bodily distinction of self from no self, and laboratory techniques involving the interaction of antigens with specific antibodies.

Ouchterlony Double Diffusion -Titration || Ouchterlony Double Diffusion - Patterns || Purification of IgG Antibodies with Ammonium Sulphate || Removal of Thymus and Spleen from Mice || Mouse Anesthesia and Blood Collection || Parenteral Injections || Purification of IgG Antibodies using Affinity Chromatography || Fluorescent Labeling of Antibodies || Fragmentation of IgG Using Papain || Fragmentation of IgG using pepsin
Microbiology Virtual Lab I
The study of microorganisms, which are unicellular or cell-cluster microscopic organisms. This includes eukaryotes such as fungi and, protists and prokaryotes. Viruses, though not strictly classed as living organisms, are also studied.

Gram Stain Technique || Aseptic Technique and the Transfer of Microorganisms || Streak Plate Method || Motility Test || Catalase and Coagulase Test || Lecithinase Test || Bacterial Growth Curve || Carbohydrate Fermentation Test || Differential and Cytological Staining Techniques || Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing || Methylene Blue Reductase Test
Microbiology Virtual Lab II
To study the biochemical properties of microorganisms, the various techniques employed in cultivation of fungi and viruses along with the molecular level analysis of microbial genome.

Voges-Proskauer Test || Triple Sugar Iron Agar || Urease Test || Litmus Milk Test || Slide Culture Technique for Fungi || Bacteriophage Plaque Assay for Phage Titer || Isolation and Identification of Auxotrophic and Drug Resistant Mutants || Isolation and Identification of Two Bacterial Unknowns || Routes of Viral Inoculation in Embryonated Eggs || 16S Ribosomal RNA Sequencing
Molecular Biology Virtual Lab I
The study of biology at a molecular level. This field overlaps with other areas of biology and chemistry, particularly genetics and biochemistry. Molecular biology chiefly concerns itself with understanding the interactions between the various systems of a cell, including the interactions between DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis as well as learning how these interactions are regulated.

Preparation of Buffer stocks (TBE,TE and TAE) || Plasmid Isolation (Mini prep) || Extraction of DNA from Fish Fins || Hot Shot Method of DNA Extraction || Agarose Gel Electrophoresis (AGE) || Restriction Digestion || Maintenance and Storage of DH5alpha E.coli cells || Preparation of Competent Cell (Calcium Chloride Treatment) || Transformation of the Host Cells || Extraction of DNA from Agarose gel
Molecular Biology Virtual Lab II
The study of biology at a molecular level. This field overlaps with other areas of biology and chemistry, particularly genetics and biochemistry. Molecular biology chiefly concerns itself with understanding the interactions between the various systems of a cell, including the interactions between DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis as well as learning how these interactions are regulated.

Preparation of Equilibrated Phenol || Isolation of RNA || Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis || Ligation ( Using T4 DNA Ligase) || Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) || Electroblotting || Plating of the Bacteriophage || Plasmid Curing || Extraction of Bacteriophage DNA from Large Scale Cultures Using Proteinase K and SDS || Preparation of stocks of bacteriophage lambda by plate lysis and elution
Cell biology Virtual Lab I
Cell biology is an exciting and dynamic area that helps discover the fascinating world of cells. It includes the study of the structure and organization, growth, regulation, movements and interaction of the cells. Cell biology is closely related to other areas of biology such as genetics, molecular biology, and biochemistry.

Light Microscope || Cell Organization and Sub Cellular Structure Studies (Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic) || Transmission Electron Microscopy || Isolation of Mitochondria || Isolation of Chloroplast || Isolation of Endoplasmic Reticulum || Basics of Plant Tissue Culture || Glucose Uptake Assay || Transfection || Western Blotting
Cell biology Virtual Lab II
Cell biology is an exciting and dynamic area that helps discover the fascinating world of cells. It includes the study of the structure and organization, growth, regulation, movements and interaction of the cells. Cell biology is closely related to other areas of biology such as genetics, molecular biology, and biochemistry.

Lignin Staining || Hemocytometer (Counting of Cells) || Maintenance of Mamallian Cell Lines || Cell Attachment || Cell Migration || Actin Assembly || Mitosis in Onion Root Tips || Cell Proliferation || Toxicity studies in Zebrafish || Primary Cell Culture
Biological Image Analysis Virtual Lab
In this lab, UG/PG students will learn to use image processing techniques to analyze and quantify image data from wet lab experiments such as those in cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology and immunology laboratories.

Introduction to Biological Image Analysis || Quantification of Lignin in Tissue Sections || Analysis of Cell Morphology || Counting of Fluorescent Particles || Counting of Total Fluorescence in a Cell || Analysis on Molecular Gels: A Case Study in Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis || Quantification of Stained Liver Cells || Quantification of Bacterial Colonies on an Agar Plate || Quantification of Amino Acids Present in a Mixture || Quantification of Protein Present in a Sample
Bioinformatics Virtual Lab I
Bioinformatics is a field which using techniques of informatics to gather, store, analyse and integrate biological data. This virtual lab is an introductory course for undergraduate students and deals with the storage and retrieval of data from different biological databases like Gene, Pubmed, GEO, TAIR, Prosite etc.

Retrieving sequence data from Entrez || Locating the chromosome of a Gene || Retrieve gene expression data from GEO || Retrieving articles using PubMed || Finding ORF of a Given Sequence || Retrieving structural data of a protein using PDB database || Retrieving Motif Information of a Protein Using Prosite || Retrieving Gene Information from TAIR database || Designing a primer
Bioinformatics Virtual Lab II
This virtual laboratory is for undergraduate and postgraduate students to get a deeper understanding on the analysis of sequence data, its alignment and the evolutionary relationship. The exercises mainly deal with the different algorithms in sequence alignment and provides a computational exploration to the use of various tools used for sequence alignment.

Global alignment of two sequences - Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm || Smith-Waterman Algorithm - Local Alignment of Sequences || Pairwise Sequence Alignment using BLAST || Pairwise sequence alignment using FASTA || Aligning Multiple Sequences with CLUSTAL W || Construction of Cladogram || Phylogenetic Analysis using PHYLIP - Rooted trees || Phylogenetic Analysis using PHYLIP - Unrooted trees || Genome Annotation and Multiple Sequence Allignment.
Bioinformatics Virtual Lab III
In this virtual lab, one will study the computational analysis of proteins. This lab is targeted towards PG students with exercises that will allow one to learn visualising proteins in 3D, how to calculate distance among atoms, find active sites in protein structures and also delve into some structural analysis methods including docking and homology modeling. Combining labs 1, 2 and 3 will give an overall understanding of commonly used computational methods in bioinformatics.

Visualizing the Secondary Structure of a Protein || Calculating the Distance between the Ligand and a Particular Amino acid || Finding the Active Site Pockets of a given Protein Molecule || Primary Structure Analysis of a Protein Using ProtParam || Secondary structure analysis of a protein using SOPMA || Surface Analysis of a Protein Using CASTp || Retrieving details of a drug molecule || Converting chemical file formats || Homology Modeling using Modeller || Protein- Ligand Interaction
Systems Biology Virtual Lab
This virtual lab consist of modelling and simulation experiments for UG/PG students in bioinformatics and computational biology to understand biological processes using a systems biology approach.

Mathematical modeling and simulating of Biochemical network || Import and simulate models from different databases || To Import and simulate a model from the repository || SBML-A markup language for mathematical models in systems biology using cell designer || Creating and Visualizing a Simple Network Model || Analysis of biological networks for feature detection || Integrating Biological Networks and Microarray Expression data || Analyzing the network by finding sub modules
Computer-Aided Drug Design Virtual Lab
This lab is for PG students on the various laboratory topics in computer-aided drug design.

Constructing computational model of a molecule || Introducing Hydrogen atoms to a molecule || Dihedral angle calculation of a molecule || Energy minimization of a molecule || Predict the structure of protein-Homology Modeling || Drug-Receptor Interaction || Absorption and Distribution Property Prediction in Drug Designing Process || Toxicity prediction of a Molecule
Ecology Virtual Lab
Ecosystems are a complex and delicate balancing game.Ecosystems have an extremely complex web of cause and effect. The addition or removal of one species affects many other species with which it might compete for,or provide food.

Determination of pH of Waste Water Sample || Biological Oxygen Demand || Chemical Oxygen Demand of Waste water || Nitrogen Cycle || A Brief Introduction to Species Interactions in Ecology || Bacterial Population Growth || Population Invasion - A Threat to Ecosystem || Study of Foraging of Organisms in the Ecosystem || Case Studies on Ecology
Bio-inspired Robotics Virtual Labs (Remote Trigger)
This remote-triggerable online laboratory will teach experiments and offer to introduce biorobotics and neuronal robot techniques. The focus is on practical skills in using simple electronics to reinforce application of bio-inspired ideas. Many experiments will help working towards thesis projects.

Controlling a servo motor in a bio-robotic environment (Remote Trigger) || Understanding the kinematics of a robotic upper arm (Remote Trigger) || Understanding the kinematics of a robotic upper arm - Interactive (Remote Trigger) || Light sensing process in a neural circuit (Remote Trigger) || Pattern recognition in a hardware neural network (Remote Trigger) || Mechanism behind the movement of a Walker robot with 4 neurons (Remote Trigger) || Interaction study with Neuronal Circuits || Constructing a six core brain like circuit (Remote Trigger)
Virtual Biophysics Lab (Remote Trigger)
This lab will provide an online experience via remote equipment to study biophysics and biophysical techniques.

Using a light microscope (Remote Trigger) || Observing an animal cell using a light microscope (Remote Trigger) || Study of RC Properties of Cell Membrane (Remote Trigger) || Study of Electrically excitable cells (Remote trigger) || Bursting phenomenon in biology via RC models (Remote Trigger) || Micrometry (Remote Trigger) || Multicompartmental modelling of biophysical behaviour of neurons (Remote Trigger) || Understanding Photosynthesis as a Biologically Closed Process

Virtual Labs from IIT Kanpur - Simulation Experiments

List of Simulation Experiments

Study of field pattern of various modes inside a rectangular waveguide.

Study of field pattern of various modes inside a rectangular waveguide cavity.

Measurement of the dielectric constant and loss tangent of materials in microwave frequency band using a rectangular waveguide cavity.

Observe the transient phenomenon of terminated coaxial transmission lines in order to study their time domain behaviour.

Study the behavior of terminated coaxial transmission lines in frequency domain.

Introduction to Smith chart and its application for the unknown impedance measurement.

Study the behavior of impedance matching for passive networks using Smith chart.

Concept of generalized n-port scattering parameters, and formulation of these parameters into 2-port reflection and transmission coefficients.

Find the change in characteristics impedance and reflection coefficients of the transmission line by changing the dielectric properties of materials embedded between two conductors.

Introduce the concept of ratio meter, and its significance for the scalar network analyzer.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Virtual Labs from IIT Bombay for Chemical Sciences

Disciplines and Domains
8) Chemical Sciences

Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy Lab

Colloid and Surface Chemistry

Molecular Absorption Spectroscopy

Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy

Molecular Interactions

Physical chemistry (IIITH)

Physical Chemistry (Amrita Lab)

Organic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Virtual Labs from IIT Bombay for Physical Sciences

Disciplines and Domains
7) Physical Sciences

Virtual Astrophysics Lab

Molecular Interactions Lab

Solid State Physics Virtual Lab

Virtual English and Communication Lab

Virtual Anthropology Lab

Virtual Advanced Mechanics Lab

Laser Optics Virtual Lab

Virtual Heat & Thermodynamics Lab

Virtual Modern Physics Lab

Virtual Harmonic Motion and Waves Lab

Virtual Optics Lab

Virtual Electricity & Magnetism Lab

Virtual Labs from IIT Bombay for Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering

Disciplines and Domains
6) Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering

Bioinformatics Virtual Lab I

Bioinformatics Virtual Lab II

Bioinformatics Virtual Lab III

Systems Biology Virtual Lab

Computer-Aided Drug Design Virtual Lab

Ecology Virtual Lab

Biological Image processing Virtual Lab

Bio-inspired Robotics Virtual Lab (Remote Trigger)

Virtual Biophysics Lab (Remote Trigger)

Biomedical and Signal processing Laboratory

Virtual Proteomics Laboratory

Biomedical Instrumentation Lab

Medical Signal & Image Processing

Neurophysiology (pilot)

Neuron Simulation Lab (pilot)

Biochemistry Virtual Lab I

Biochemistry Virtual Lab II

Population Ecology I

Population Ecology II

Immunology Virtual Lab I

Immunology Virtual Lab II

Microbiology Virtual Lab I

Microbiology Virtual Lab II

Molecular biology Virtual Lab I

Molecular biology Virtual Lab II

Cell biology Virtual Lab I

Cell biology Virtual Lab II

Virtual Labs from IIT Bombay for Chemical Engineering

Disciplines and Domains
5) Chemical Engineering

Process control, reaction engineering and unit operations lab

Chemical Engineering

Virtual Lab for Mass Transfer

VIRTUAL LABS from IIT Bombay for Electronics and Communications

Disciplines and Domains:
1) Electronics and Communications

Fading Channels and Mobile Communications

Advanced Network Technologies

Analog Signals Network and Measurement

Digital Logic Design

Queuing Networks Modelling

Hybrid Electronics

RF microwave characterization

Transducer and Instrumentation

Electronic design using DSP, FPGA, CPLD and Micro controllers through simulation and direct access of the hardware

Digital Electronic Circuits

Digital Signal Processing

Digital VLSI Design

Signals and Systems Laboratory

Virtual Electric Circuits

Single Board Heater System

Virtual Labs from IIT Bombay for Mechanical Engineering

Disciplines and Domains
4) Mechanical Engineering

Material Response to Microstructural, Mechanical, Thermal and Biological Stimuli

Metal Forming Lab

Mechanics of machine Lab

Machine Dynamics & Vibration Lab

Vibration and Acoustics

Micromachining laboratory

FAB laboratory

General Purpose Production Shop Simulation Lab

Fluid and Thermal Sciences Lab

Virtual Labs from IIT Bombay for Electrical Engineering

Disciplines and Domains
3) Electrical Engineering

Electrical Machines (IITR)

Substation Automation Lab

Virtual Power Lab

Industrial Electric Drives Lab

Industrial Automation Laboratory

Electrical Machines (COEP)

Electrical Machines (IITG)


Ergonomics Lab for Assessing Physical Aspects of Design

Sensors Modeling & Simulation

Virtual English and Communication

Virtual Anthropology Lab

Virtual Labs from IIT Bombay for Computer Science and Engineering

Disciplines and Domains:
2) Computer Science and Engineering

Problem Solving

Artificial Neural Networks

Pattern Recognition

Software Engineering

Data Structures


Computer Programming Lab

Computer Organization

Speech Signal Processing

Computer Graphics

Image Processing Lab

Computational Linguistics

Natural Language Processing

Wireless Sensor Network Remote Triggered Lab

Cryptography Lab

Links for Virtual Labs - Institute-Wise (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeth) (Dayalbagh Educational Institute) 

Friday, June 19, 2020

Virtual Labs: An Initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development Under the National Mission on Education through ICT

Virtual Labs project is an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India under the aegis of National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT). This project is a consortium activity of twelve participating institutes and IIT Delhi is coordinating institute. It is a paradigm shift in ICT-based education. For the first time, such an initiative has been taken-up in remote‐experimentation. Under Virtual Labs project, over 100 Virtual Labs consisting of approximately 700+ web-enabled experiments were designed for remote-operation and viewing. The intended beneficiaries of the projects are:
  • All students and Faculty Members of Science and Engineering Colleges who do not have access to good lab‐facilities and/or instruments.
  • High‐school students, whose inquisitiveness will be triggered, possibly motivating them to take up higher‐studies. Researchers in different institutes who can collaborate and share resources.
  • Different engineering colleges who can benefit from the content and related teaching resources.
Virtual Labs do not require any additional infrastructural setup for conducting experiments at user premises. The simulations-based experiments can be accessed remotely via internet.

Have a look at the VLabs Video here: Youtube Video for VLabs

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