Tuesday, May 22, 2012

CPD23: Thing 3 - Consider your personal brand

Week 2 - CPD23
Thing 3: Consider your personal brand

Maintaining a consistent image – both personally and professionally reveals the nature of a person. Moreover, it makes more sense when you are in a service-oriented profession – like ours! People almost (always) refer to us as a Librarian and most of them do not even know our names. Thus branding becomes important in more than one ways. It is up to us to decide whether we would be like to be referred to as “Library Madam” (as they call it!) or “Chinmayee Bhange”. I feel I would not mind either, although I would be elated if they know me personally!

For the Thing 3: Consider your personal brand, I am a bit thoughtful, since my online presence is linked with my library’s online presence and vice-versa. Both of them almost go together, except for the Facebook account (which I admit was linked to my personal account earlier). I am beginning to take it easy with my online presence as I feel; an overdose would maul the positive effect. I am taking to the social networking and micro-blogging sites – one at a time.

Having said that, I googled “SFIT Library” and was contented to see the results. One the first page, the first four links were though my Institute’s website. The fifth to eighth ones were my Library Blog (Happy, happy…), followed by Facebook account. Let me now reflect on the things to be considered whilst creating a personal brand.

Name Used: As a norm, I always use my real name – Chinmayee Bhange across my personal accounts. As for the library, it has always been “SFIT Library”.

Photograph: I am a bit reluctant to post my personal photo on my accounts, although this decreases the chances of identification and so I have been using Gravatar. At least my “identification type” does not change with my accounts.

Professional / Personal Identity: As mentioned already, I am thankful to myself for keeping the two identities separate.

Visual Brand: The font and the colour-combination used may vary, but I try to stick to the main theme.


  1. I'm trying to decide whether or not its flattering to be addressed as 'Library Madam'. I think our library Manager might take umbrage!

  2. Hi,

    I do not mean any offense to your "Library Manager"...Sorry for any misunderstandings. It referred to "ME" in particular. Anyways, I will be more careful the next time. Until then..thanks for adding my blog in your Blog Roll.

    Regards - Chinmayee


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